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Web marketing contain long lists of jargon and abbreviations that are used in documentation. This glossary provides definitions of words and abbreviations you need to know to successfully understand your analytics.


A bounce define a session with a single page view. A visitor "bounces" away and leaves your website after only viewing a single page.

Domain name

A domain name is a sequence of character that identifies a services provided through the Internet such as websites. For example, the domain name of this website is

Entry page

First page of a visit / session.

Exit page

Last page of a visit / session.

Page view

A page view refers to an instance of a web page being loaded in a visitor's web browser.

Live visitor

A visitor that view a page of your website in the last 15 minutes.

Session (or visit)

A session (also known as a visit) is a set of actions that a visitor takes on your site. A visit is started when a user first lands on your website and ends when no action is taken on your site for 24 hours. A single visitor can have multiple sessions.


An Uniform Resource Locator (URL), also called "web address" or "link", is a sequence of character that specifies where a resource can be found on the internet. For example, is the web address of Prisme Analytics home page.

UTM parameters

Urchin Tracking Module (UTM) parameters are a set of parameters that can be added to the end of a URLs to track visitors coming from this link.


A visitor define a person who visited your website. We are privacy-friendly so we don't use cookies and other persistent identifiers. If a person visits from multiple devices or on multiple days, they are counted as separate visitors.


A set of interconnected webpages, hosted under a domain name.