Prisme Analytics offers a unique approach to website tracking, prioritizing user privacy without compromising on valuable insights. Our service allows you to monitor website usage without collecting personal data or personally identifiable information (PII), eliminating the need for cookies while respecting visitor privacy.

With Prisme Analytics, all site measurements are conducted anonymously. We don't set cookies or gather personal data, focusing solely on aggregate information. This approach provides website owners with actionable insights to improve their sites while ensuring visitors enjoy a seamless, privacy-respecting experience.

Discover why Prisme Analytics stands out as a privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics:

Transparent, Open-Source web analytics software

Prisme Analytics is built on Open Source principles. Our entire codebase is accessible on GitHub, allowing anyone to review and verify our privacy practices. This transparency is crucial in the privacy software market, where proprietary solutions may not always be trustworthy. By opening our code to expert scrutiny, we prove our commitment to privacy protection.

EU-Based, european-owned cloud infrastructure

As a small team based in the EU with Estonian incorporation, we prioritize data security and compliance with EU privacy laws. This setup addresses concerns related to Schrems II and the EU-US Privacy Shield, as your website data never leaves the EU.

Independent, self-funded, and subscriber-supported

Prisme Analytics operates independently, without external investors or corporate influence. We're committed to our vision and funded solely by our subscribers, rejecting all investment offers to maintain our focus on user privacy.

Minimalist data collection approach

We believe in collecting only essential data points, contrasting with tools like Google Analytics that gather vast amounts of information. Our streamlined approach not only enhances privacy but also simplifies analytics interpretation. Prisme Analytics is 75 times lighter than Google Analytics, improving site performance and reducing your carbon footprint. Explore our live demo dashboard to see the concise data we collect.

Aggregate-Only, personal data-free analytics

Prisme Analytics collects no personal data or PII. Our focus is on overall traffic trends rather than individual tracking. All data is aggregated, ensuring visitor privacy while providing valuable insights. Unlike server logs, which may reveal IP addresses, Prisme Analytics offers a more privacy-friendly solution.

Device-Isolated, single-site tracking

We don't track users across devices, websites, or apps. Each data point is isolated to a single device and website, reset daily. This approach prevents cross-device or cross-site user profiling.

Prisme Analytics operates without cookies or persistent identifiers, ensuring compliance with GDPR, PECR, and various cookie laws. This cookie-free approach eliminates the need for visitor consent, simplifying your site's user experience.

User-Owned, fully controlled data

With Prisme Analytics, you retain 100% ownership and control of your website data. While we host the analytics, you can delete all collected data at any time, maintaining full control over your information.

No third-party data sharing

We never share, sell, or send your website data to advertisers or third parties. Your analytics are not monetized or mined for behavioral trends, aligning with our commitment to privacy.

Ethical alternative to surveillance capitalism

Our subscription-based model stands in contrast to surveillance capitalism. We rely on our community of users rather than exploiting visitor data for advertising purposes.

Self-Hosting option available

For those preferring complete control, Prisme Analytics offers a self-hosted version. While our cloud version provides hassle-free management, self-hosting gives you additional flexibility and control.

Ready to embrace privacy-focused analytics?

Experience Prisme Analytics with our 30-day free trial - no credit card required. Our lightweight script allows you to run Prisme alongside your current analytics, enabling a smooth transition to privacy-friendly web analytics. Start your journey towards ethical, insightful website tracking today!