Prisme Analytics offers a unique, progressive approach to web analytics, allowing website owners to start with simple, privacy-focused tracking and scale up to advanced custom events and dashboards as their needs grow. This flexibility makes Prisme an ideal solution for businesses of all sizes, from small blogs to large enterprises.

What makes Prisme progressive?

  1. Scalable tracking options: Prisme allows you to start with basic pageview tracking and gradually add more sophisticated event tracking as your analytics needs evolve.

  2. Lightweight script: The Prisme tracking script is ultra-light (< 1KB), ensuring minimal impact on your website's performance while providing essential analytics data.

  3. Privacy-first approach: Prisme is designed with user privacy in mind, operating without cookies and collecting only necessary, non-personal data. This approach makes it GDPR, CCPA, and PECR compliant out of the box.

  4. Customizable dashboards: As your analytics requirements become more complex, Prisme allows you to create custom dashboards tailored to your specific needs.

  5. JavaScript-less tracking: Prisme supports tracking without JavaScript, making it compatible with a wide range of websites and user preferences.

Let's explore each of these aspects in more detail.

Scalable tracking options

Prisme's progressive nature is evident in its flexible tracking options:

  1. Basic pageview tracking: Start with simple pageview tracking to get essential metrics like unique visitors, total sessions, and page views.

  2. Custom events: As your needs grow, you can implement custom event tracking to capture specific user interactions or business-relevant data points.

  3. Advanced analytics: Utilize Prisme's integration with ClickHouse to perform complex queries and gain deeper insights into your data.

This scalability allows you to start small and expand your analytics capabilities as your business grows, without needing to switch platforms or lose historical data.

Lightweight script for optimal performance

Prisme's tracking script is designed to be as lightweight as possible:

  • At just 1KB, it's 75 times smaller than Google Analytics' Global Site Tag.
  • The script loads quickly, minimizing impact on page load times.
  • Its small size contributes to reducing your website's carbon footprint.

This approach ensures that you can gather valuable analytics data without sacrificing your website's performance or user experience.

Privacy-first analytics

Prisme takes a strong stance on user privacy:

  • No cookies or persistent identifiers are used.
  • Personal data is not collected, focusing instead on aggregate information.
  • All data is anonymized, ensuring GDPR, CCPA, and PECR compliance.
  • No need for cookie consent banners or complex privacy policies.

This privacy-focused approach allows you to gather insights about your website traffic while respecting your visitors' privacy and adhering to global data protection regulations.

Customizable dashboards for advanced insights

As your analytics needs become more sophisticated, Prisme offers:

  • The ability to create custom dashboards using Grafana.
  • Integration with ClickHouse for powerful data querying capabilities.
  • Flexibility to visualize data in ways that are most meaningful to your business.

This customization allows you to move beyond basic metrics and gain deeper, more actionable insights as your business grows.

JavaScript-less tracking for maximum compatibility

Prisme supports tracking without JavaScript, offering several benefits:

  • Compatibility with a wider range of websites and content management systems.
  • Ability to track visitors who have JavaScript disabled.
  • Support for progressive enhancement techniques in web development.

This feature ensures that you can gather analytics data from all your visitors, regardless of their browser settings or your website's technical implementation.

Conclusion: Analytics that grow with you

Prisme's progressive approach to web analytics offers a unique solution that can adapt to your changing needs:

  1. Start with simple, privacy-focused tracking that's easy to implement and GDPR-compliant.
  2. Scale up to more advanced tracking and custom events as your business grows.
  3. Create tailored dashboards and perform complex analyses when you need deeper insights.
  4. All while maintaining a commitment to user privacy and website performance.

By choosing Prisme, you're not just selecting an analytics tool for today – you're investing in a solution that can grow and adapt with your business over time. Experience the benefits of progressive web analytics with Prisme's 30-day free trial and see how it can transform your approach to understanding and optimizing your website's performance.